Continue the Great Work
of Jesus Christ on Earth

Our Church

Welcome to the KCCF website. We’re glad you have chosen to spend a few moments discovering our church family. We are a group of Catholics committed to following Jesus. We celebrate our mass in Swahili language, and we welcome everyone to our church. That means we love people outside the church and we encourage prayer in church and throughout life.

Our hope is that all people will feel loved and welcomed once here. We pray that people will meet God, and as a result of meeting God, follow and commit their daily lives to Him. “Ingrained in our catholic roots, the Kenyan Catholic Community and Friends is geared towards building, maintaining, and Servicing the growing Kenyan catholic community in the greater Boston area and helping them maintain their faith in God.”


That the solidarity of the Kenyan Catholic faithful in the Archdiocese of Boston may be enhanced, so as to remain TRULY Catholic Christians, and TRULY Kenyans for the current and future generations.


To celebrate the word of God and sharing of the Eucharist during our Sunday Worship and other services, praying together in our small Christian communities in a way that promotes a vibrant social cultural and emotional support to one another in line with the Gospel values and the teaching of the Church.

Bible Reading

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Cross Prayers

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Helping Poor

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Our Community

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Upcoming Events

KCCF Cookout

Silver Jubilee Mass

Community News